Courtney Ballester

I was in an unhealthy relationship for 17 years of my life. As you get older stress starts affecting you differently. They say fibro stems from long periods of stress and even emotional/ physical trauma. You probably ask why did you stay with him for so long, well I didn’t know anything different. I always thought that nothing is perfect and not everything is greener on the other side. Last year, I started having a lot of dizziness and the pain started coming so randomly. It was so different from what I have ever felt. Since I didn’t know what was happening to me I started stressing myself out more. It started to affect my speech and even crippling how I walked. I had to learn how to walk and talk again. I was admitted into the hospital and they diagnosed me with Conversion disorder bc it was a shock to the body but after being referred to a rheumatologist in Houston, I learned I had fibromyalgia. Living with it at first was difficult. It is still difficult but not as intense if I was still in that situation. I push myself on the daily just trying to keep up with it all. We are stronger together!