Women's Equality Day-Build Your Own Table!

Today we celebrate 5O years since Women’s Equality day was first designated in 1971! While women have made strides in many ways, too many of us are still left to fight stigma, stereotype’s and violence alone. We are not given the same “growing” opportunities as Men. We are conditioned to believe that we need to be forceful, suppress our emotions and work harder than our male counterparts to be successful!

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May the Force Be With You!

As I embark on doing more of the personal one-on-one work, I begin to feel the impactful emotions associated with this type of work. Those emotions force me to reminisce, backtrack, adjust and plan for the path ahead of us. As many of you already know, my background is in social services. My career in this field began in 1997 at a drop-in center for homeless teenagers in the Times Square area of NYC.

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What's happening at the FCSA?

Hello Everyone!

With all the celebrations of Fibromyalgia Awareness month behind us, we at the FCSA continue to build, raise awareness and bring the community together.

On June 29th, through a partnership with NTI @ Home we hosted a webinar entitled "Managing Fibromyalgia in the World of Remote Work. Michael Sanders, head of partnerships and, I led an interview-style webinar where I discussed my journey in leaving and returning to the workforce. Michael detailed remote work options for the fibromyalgia community and their caregivers. I am really excited to help many of you who lost careers and want to return to the workplace, do just that. Through this partnership, we will assist you in reclaiming your career, dignity, and life. If you missed it, no worries, we hope to share a replay of the webinar soon so that you can decide if this program is right for you.

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Gender and Disability Vs. Equality and Equity

Today is “Equal Pay Day”, the day that marks how long the average woman has to work to catch up in pay to what the AVERAGE White Man-made in 2020. For Latina Women, the gap is wider.

In 2021, today is even more important as the pandemic has sent us back in gender equality. Unemployment hit Women the hardest, mostly due to childcare and the professions we choose. I was one of those women.

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Last month, through the “Our Stories are Powerful” blog post, I told y’all about how I began to liberate myself by unloading 36 years of past trauma. Some of that trauma stemmed from choices made on my behalf by Bronx Family Court. However, that traumatic experience as a 13-year-old was not all “bad”. Some of it equipped me to be a better human being later in life. My experience at Lakeside school prepared me to listen with a compassionate ear to the people and communities that I served later in life and still continue to serve. Our stories are powerful; however, we can only begin to enact change when those in power are listening to understand and respond with action.

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Our Stories are PowerFul!

In the past, many people living with fibromyalgia hid their diagnosis due to the stigmas previously associated with this Nervous System disorder. I am extremely proud of what our generation has accomplished thus far. We are bringing fibromyalgia (FM) to the spotlight. Through our advocacy effort fibromyalgia got its own ICD-10 Code and a blood test to diagnose FM was developed. We are standing up and will no longer accept hateful labels to keep us hidden behind a wall of shame. The community is uniting and I am empowered hearing from people all across the globe who want to join the movement. This provides me with hope and assures me that we will succeed in reaching the numbers required to enact change. We are multiplying and our voices are amplifying!

However, some of us are still bed ridden, being held hostage by depression and limiting ourselves from reaching our full potential. For some, it is a result of not dealing with the emotional trauma that caused or came as a result of our diagnosis. Many of us have survived chronic trauma and I am proud of every single one of us that did! But I want better for me, you and future generations. I want us to reach our greatest potential. The stories I hear of ABUSE and TRAUMA are heart-wrenching. However, they serve as testaments to how strong, fearless and courageous we really are. That is why I know that we are capable of managing fibromyalgia and finding a new normal where we are able to thrive and flourish.

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Show Them LOVE

What a great time for me to get back to blogging! There is division everywhere, we are still debating when to get back to a new normal and it is the month of LOVE-Yay! If I had to choose one thing my career in social services taught me, it would be that we can always find a positive in every negative. I guess that’s why my t-ball team adopted The motto -We Win or We Learn, but we never lose. This week, I will be discussing how I found peace, purpose and my strength by simply sitting quietly by a lake. The love and strength that came as a result and how all of you are part of bringing love and kindness too many of our warriors homes, families and lives.

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Mi Voz: Milly Velez, FCSA President & Founder

It is hard to believe it has been six years since I began my fibromyalgia advocacy journey. So much has happened since then. I am anxious to spill it all out-the good, bad and ugly! Those of you who have been aside me from the beginning know it all started with A Flarey Tale Blog. Since then, the advocacy journey and my life branched off to some bigger and greater things. Nonetheless, the one thing that has remained constant is my commitment to demanding better treatment and care for our community.

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